1. Clear коленвал and dry its compressed air if there is a possibility
2. Check up a condition of necks radical and шатунных bearings.
3. If коленвал was переточен, check up, that does not remain agnails round lubricant apertures коленвала (apertures are usually cut).
4. By means of a micrometer measure diameter radical and шатунных necks коленвала and compare results to Specifications (address to an accompanying illustration). Measuring diameter in several points round each neck, you can define ovality of a neck. And measuring diameter at neck edges, about counterbalances, it is possible to define конусность necks. If any value from the received results differs more than on 0.025 mm, коленвал it is necessary переточить and to establish loose leaves of the smaller size. |
5. Check up a condition of contact surfaces of epiploons on each end коленвала. If there is a flute in a surface коленвала, consult to the expert in an engine partition to define repair possibility. |