Renault Megane, Scenic

Since 1996 of release

Repair and car operation

Reno Megan, Stsenik
+ Cars of mark Renault Megane
+ Maintenance service
+ Engine repair
+ System of cooling, heating
+ Power supply systems, release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Coupling
+ Transmission
+ Power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
- Electric equipment schemes
   Start and charge system, the fan of cooling of the engine, heater of diesel fuel, preheat (the diesel engine without турбокомпрессора)
   Control lamps and devices
   External illumination
   External and internal illumination
   Adjustment of headlights, sound signal, lighter, hours/displays, heating of glasses
   Screen wiper, a supercharger of a heater and radio
   The uniform lock, electric window raiser and mirrors
   System of the central injection of fuel Siemens - Fenix 3
   Semiconsecutive system of the distributed injection of fuel Siemens - Fenix 5
   Consecutive system of the distributed injection of fuel Siemens - Fenix 5
   Preheat and fuel injection - engine F8Q 784
ремонт холодильников 3bf7a351

Electric equipment schemes

The block of safety locks (base models)

The block of safety locks (model with the expanded complete set)

The block of safety locks in an impellent compartment

And — the Fuse of a lantern of a backing
In — the starter Relay
With — it is not used
D — it is not used
Е — the Relay of a mode of high speed of the fan
F — the Fuse of the fan of the conditioner of air
G — the Fuse of automatic transmission
Н — it is not used
I — the Heater of the inlet pipeline
J — the Relay of blocking of injection
To — the Relay of a mode of low speed of the fan
L — the Heater of the fuel filter (diesel engine) / the relay of the fuel pump
M — the Safety lock of a control system of the engine
N — the Safety lock of a control system of the engine
About — the Diode of the conditioner of air

The typical block of safety locks

The fuse


Protected chain



Heating of back glass



Mirrors with heating
F3 7.5А The left dimensional lanterns, illumination of a ware box
F4 7.5А The right dimensional lanterns, the instrument panel
F5 10А The right headlight
F6 10А The left headlight
F7 15А Sound signal
F8 Back foggy lanterns
F9 15А Illumination of salon and luggage compartment
F10 15А Hours, the instrument panel, radio and seats with electric adjustment
F12 10А Washer of headlights
F13 20А The uniform lock
F14 15А Antifog headlights
F15 25А Seats with electric adjustment
F16 20А The fan
F17 15А Seats with heating
F18 25А The switch electric window lifterа from outside the driver
F19 25А The switch electric window lifterа from outside the passenger
F20 25А The switch back left electric window lifterа
F21 25А The switch back right electric window lifterа
F22 20А The hatch
F23 10А The spare
F24 20А Seats with electric adjustment
F25 10А The left passing light
F26 10А The right passing light
F27 20А Heater
F28 15А Cigar Lighter, radio, hours and illumination of switches
F30 15А Windscreen screen wiper
F31 15А The instrument panel, pillow of safety and the alarm system
F34 The spare
F35 75А In suspension bracket management in height
F36 15А Screen wiper of back glass, backing lantern, heating of a windshield
F37 15А Indexes of turn and the alarm system
F38 20А Seats with electric adjustment
F39 The electronic block, remote control and иммобилизатор
F41 Injection system


20А The shunt of dual head headlights

Keys to symbols


Component number

The switch

The engine pump

The multiitem switch

The case

The fuse

The gauge/index

The gauge/index

The diode

The variable resistor

Electroconducting socket

Connection of wires

The executive electromagnetic block

Colour of a wire (yellow with a red strip)

Connections with other chains (for example - the scheme 3/coordinate В2. The arrow shows an electric current direction)

Connection variants

кранированный a wire

Wire - a constant positive food (a double line)

Wire - a constant positive food (a thick line)

Wire - connecting (a thin line)