Renault Megane, Scenic

Since 1996 of release

Repair and car operation

Reno Megan, Stsenik
+ Cars of mark Renault Megane
+ Maintenance service
- Engine repair
   + Repair of petrol engines of 1.4 l and 1.6 l in an impellent compartment
   + Repair of petrol engines of 2.0 l in an impellent compartment
   + Repair of the diesel engine in an impellent compartment
   + Procedures of removal and engine major repairs
+ System of cooling, heating
+ Power supply systems, release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Coupling
+ Transmission
+ Power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Electric equipment schemes

Engine repair



The basic characteristics

The characteristic




   L models 1.4

E7J 764

   L models 1.6:
      WITH Manual transmission
      With automatic transmission

К7М 702, К7М 720, К7М 790 or К7М 791
К7М 703

Diameter of cylinders:


   Engines E7J
   Engines K7M

75.8 mm
79.5 mm

Course of pistons:


   Engines E7J
   Engines K7M

77.0 mm
80.5 mm

Working volume:


   Engines E7J
   Engines K7M

1390 sm 3
1598 sm 3 Backlashes of valves (cold)
Engines E7J Engines K7M
The inlet valve of 0.10 mm 0.10 — 0.15 mm
The final valve of 0.25 mm 0.25 — 0.30 mm
(After installation of new valves 0.20 — 0.25 mm)

Compression degree:


   Engines E7J
   Engines K7M 702 and К7М 703
   Engines K7M 720 9.0 or
   Engines K7M 790 and К7М 791


Operating procedure of cylinders

1-3-4-2 (the cylinder №1 on the party of a flywheel/privodnogo of a disk)

Rotation direction коленвала

Clockwise, if to take a detached view a pulley

Backlashes of valves (cold)

The characteristic

Engines E7J

Engines K7M

The inlet valve

0.10 mm

0.10 — 0.15 mm

The final valve

0.25 mm

0.25 — 0.30 mm (after installation of new valves 0.20 — 0.25 mm)

Tension gear drive a belt (the text see)

The characteristic



30±10 % on block SEEM

The minimum tension

26 on block SEEM

Head of the block of cylinders

The characteristic



113.0 mm ± 0.05 mm

The maximum admissible deformation
Surfaces under a lining

0.05 mm

Polishing limit

Polishing is inadmissible

Corner of a saddle of the valve:


   The inlet valve
   The final valve

120 °
90 °

Width of a facet of a saddle of the valve

1.7 mm ± 0.1 mm


The characteristic


Axial backlash:


   Engine E7J
   Engine K7M

0.06 — 0.15 mm
0.01 — 0.15 mm


The characteristic


Diameter of a head:


   The inlet valve
   The final valve

37.5 ± 0.1 mm
33.5 ± 0.1 mm

Diameter of a rod

7.00 mm

The block of cylinders

The characteristic




   Engines E7J (wet sleeves)
   Engines K7M (dry sleeves)

75.8 mm + 0.03-0.00 mm
79.5мм + 0.03-0.00 mm

The sizes of wet sleeves — engines E7J:


   Height of a sleeve of the cylinder:
      The full
      From a fillet to the top part

130.0 mm
91.5 mm + 0.035 + 0.005 mm

   Depth of the block of cylinders — from the top part to a sleeve fillet

91.5 mm — 0.015 — 0.055 mm

   Length of an acting part of a sleeve — without a sealing ring

0.02 — 0.09 mm

The maximum difference of length of an acting part between adjacent sleeves

0.05 mm

Pistons and piston rings

The characteristic


Backlashes of locks of piston rings

Are preliminary regulated

Thickness of a piston ring:


   Top компрессионное a ring:

1.5 mm

   The second компрессионное a ring:


      Engines E7J
      Engines K7M

1.75 mm
1.5 mm

   Maslosemnoe ring:


      Engines E7J
      Engines K7M

3.00 mm
2.5 mm

Piston backlash in the cylinder

0.045 — 0.065 mm

Piston fingers

The characteristic


External diameter

19.0 mm


The characteristic


Working backlash шатунного the bearing

0.014-0.053 mm

Lateral люфт rod covers:


Engines E7J
Engines K7M

0.310 — 0.572 mm
0.310 — 0.604 mm


The characteristic


Diameter of a neck of the radical bearing:


   Engines E7J:


      The nominal
      1st repair

54.795 mm ± 0.01 mm
54.545 mm ± 0.01 mm

   Engines K7M:


      The nominal
      1st repair

48.010 mm + 0 — 0.02 mm
54.545 mm + 0 — 0.02 mm

Working backlash of the radical bearing

0.020 — 0.058 mm

Diameter of a neck шатунного the bearing:


   Engine E7J:


      The nominal
      1st repair

43.980 mm + 0 — 0.02 mm
43.730 mm + 0 — 0.02 mm

   Engine K7M:


      The nominal
      1st repair

43.980 mm + 0 — 0.02 mm
43.790 mm + 0 — 0.02 mm

Axial backlash коленвала:


   The new
   The maximum

0.045 — 0.252 mm
0.045 — 0.852 mm

Greasing system

The characteristic


Pressure in system:


   On idling

1.0 bar

   At 4000 rpm (E7J) or 3000 rpm (К7М)

3.0 bar

Backlashes of the oil pump:

The characteristic

The minimum

The maximum

Between a gear wheel and the case

0.110 mm

0.249 mm

Axial backlash of a gear wheel

0.020 mm

0.086 mm

The inhaling moments, Nanometer

The characteristic


Bolts клапанной covers


Counternut of the screw of adjustment коромысла


Axis bolts коромысел — oiled


Bolt of a gear pulley of a cam-shaft:


   Engines E7J
   Engines K7M


Nut of a pulley of the mechanism of a tension
Gear drive a belt


Bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders — engines E7J*


   Stage 1 — all bolts in an order shown on an illustration 9.36а


   Stage 2

To tighten all bolts on 97 ° ± 2 °

   Stage 3

To wait 3 minutes

   Stage 4

To weaken completely bolts 1 and 2

   Stage 5

To clamp bolts 1 and 2 moment of an inhaling of 20 Nanometers

   Stage 6

To tighten bolts 1 and 2 on 97 ° ± 2 °

   Stage 7

To weaken completely bolts 3, 4, 5 and 6

   Stage 8

To clamp bolts 3, 4, 5 and 6 on 97 ° ± 2 °

   Stage 9

To tighten bolts 3, 4, 5 and 6 on 97 ° ± 2 °

   Stage 10

To weaken completely bolts 7, 8, 9 and 10 moment of an inhaling of 20 Nanometers

   Stage 11

To clamp bolts 7, 8, 9 and 10 moment of an inhaling of 20 Nanometers

   Stage 12

To tighten bolts 7, 8, 9 and 10 on 97 ° ± 2 °

Bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders — engines K7M:*


   Stage 1 — all bolts in an order shown on an illustration 9.36а


   Stage 2

To tighten all bolts on 100 ° ± 6 °

   Stage 3

To wait 3 minutes

   Stage 4

To weaken completely bolts 1 and 2

   Stage 5

To clamp bolts 1 and 2 moment of an inhaling of 20 Nanometers

   Stage 6

To tighten bolts 1 and 2 on 100 ° ± 6 °

   Stage 7

To weaken completely bolts 3, 4, 5 and 6

   Stage 8

To clamp bolts with the moment of an inhaling of 20 Nanometers

   Stage 9

To tighten bolts 3, 4, 5 and 6 on 100 ° ± 6 °

   Stage 10

To weaken completely bolts 7, 8, 9 and 10

   Stage 11

To clamp bolts 7, 8, 9 and 10 moment of an inhaling of 20 Nanometers

   Stage 12

To tighten bolts 7, 8, 9 and 10 on 100 ° ± 6 °

Cover шатунного the bearing — oiled:


   Stage 1
   Stage 2


Cover of the radical bearing:


   Engines E7J


   Engines K7M:


      Stage 1
      Stage 2

To tighten on 47 ° ± 5 °

Cover шатунного the bearing — oiled:


   Stage 1
   Stage 2


Cover of the radical bearing:


   Engines E7J


   Engines K7M:


      Stage 1
      Stage 2

To tighten on 47 ° ± 5 °

Pulley/cogwheel bolt коленвала:


   Engines E7J


   Engines K7M:


      Stage 1
      Stage 2

To tighten on 68 ° ± 6 °

Bolts of a flywheel/privodnogo of a disk


The oil pump:


   Fixing bolts
   Asterisk bolts


The pallet картера:


   Engines E7J
   Engines K7M


Drain stopper of impellent oil

Address to the Head Maintenance service

Fastening of an arm/cover of a flywheel:


   On the engine
   On transmission


The inlet pipeline

Address to the Head of the Power supply system, release

Final collector

Address to the Head of the Power supply system, release

Engine/transmission support

Address to Section Survey and replacement of support of the engine/transmission

Bolts of fastening of a stretcher to the bottom:


   The back


Bolts of fastening of a rotary fist to a rack of a forward suspension bracket

Address to the Head the Suspension bracket and a steering

Coupling bolt of a rod of a gear change

Address to the Head Transmission

Bolts of a fixing plate of an internal protective cover of the left power shaft — models with a manual box of a gear change

Address to the Head Power shafts

Fastening bolts коле

Address to the Head Maintenance service

After the first start of the engine repeatedly to tighten bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders it is not required.


The basic characteristics

The characteristic




8-valve engines with one top cam-shaft (SOHC)


   Models with a manual box of a gear change

F3R 750, F3R 796 *, F3R 798*

   Models with automatic transmission

F3R751, F3R 791 *, F3R 797*

16-klapannyj the engine with two top cam-shafts (DOHC)

F7R 710

Diameter of the cylinder

82.7 mm

Piston stroke

93.0 mm

Working volume

1998 3

Cтепень compression


Operating procedure of cylinders

1-3-4-2 (the cylinder №1 on the party of a flywheel/privodnogo of a disk)

Rotation direction коленвала

Clockwise, if to take a detached view a pulley

Engines without an intermediate shaft.

Backlashes of valves (cold)

The characteristic


Engines F3R:


   The inlet valve
   The final valve

0.20 mm
0.40 mm

Engine F7R

Self-adjusted by hydraulic pushers

Value of a tension gear drive a belt (the text see)


   Instrument readings:


      Engines F3R
      Engines F7R

29 ± 10 % SEEM
32 ± 10 % SEEM

   The minimum value:


      Engines F3R
   мДвигатели F7R


Head of the block of cylinders

The characteristic




   Engines F3R
   Engines F7R

169.50 mm ± 0.2 mm
169.45 mm ± 0.1 mm

As much as possible admissible deformation of a surface of a lining

0.05 mm

Corner of a saddle of the valve

90 °

Width of a saddle of the valve:


   Engines F3R

1.7 ± 0.2 mm

   Engines F7R:


      The inlet valve
      The final valve

1.4 mm
1.7 mm

Cam-shaft ()

The characteristic


Axial backlash

0.048 — 0.133 mm


The characteristic

Engines F3R

Engine F7R

The inlet valve

40.0 mm

33.0 mm

The final valve

32.5 mm

28.5 mm

Diameter of a rod

8.0 mm

7.0 mm

The block of cylinders

The characteristic




   Dimensional group

And 82.70 — 82.71 mm

   Dimensional group

At 82.71 — 82.72 mm

   Dimensional group

From 82.72 — 82.73 mm

Pistons and piston rings

The characteristic


Diameter of the piston:


   Engines F3R:


      Dimensional group And or 1

82.665 — 82.675 mm

      Dimensional group In or 2

82.675 — 82.685 mm

      Dimensional group In or 2

82.675 — 82.685 mm

   Engine F7R


      Dimensional group V or 1

82.655 — 82.665 mm

       Dimensional group B or 2

82.665 — 82.675 mm

      Dimensional group R or 3

82.675 — 82.685 mm

Thickness of a piston ring

The characteristic

Engines F3R

Engine F7R

Top компрессионное a ring

1.50 mm

1.20 mm

The second компрессионное a ring

1.75 mm

1.50 mm

Maslosemnoe ring

3.00 mm

2.50 mm

Backlash between the piston and the cylinder:



   Engines F3R
   Engine F7R

0.035 — 0.065 mm
0.035-0.055 mm


The characteristic


Working backlash шатунного подшипника*

0.025 — 0.050 mm

Lateral люфт rod covers

0.220 — 0.400

* Data averaged for this type of the engine is above cited — any exact given by firm Renault is not defined.

Intermediate shaft

The characteristic


Axial backlash

0.070 — 0.150 mm


The characteristic


Diameter of a neck of the radical bearing:


   The nominal
   1st repair

54.795 mm ± 0.01 mm
54.545 mm ± 0.01 mm

Working backlash of the radical bearing

0.020 — 0.058 mm

Diameter of a neck шатунного the bearing:


   The nominal
   1st repair

48.000 mm
47.750 mm

Axial backlash коленвала

0.07 0.23 mm

Greasing system

The characteristic


The minimum pressure of oil at 80°С:


   1000 rpm
   3000 rpm

1.2 bar
3.5 bar

Backlashes of the oil pump

The characteristic



Between a gear wheel and the case

0.100 mm

0.240 mm

Axial backlash of a gear wheel

0.020 mm

0.085 mm

The inhaling moments, Nanometer

The characteristic


Nuts/bolts клапанной covers


Covers of bearings of a cam-shaft — engines F3R:


   Bolts in diameter of 8 mm
   Bolts in diameter of 6 mm


Bolts of a casing of a cam-shaft — engines F7R:


   Bolts in diameter of 8 mm
   Bolts in diameter of 6 mm


Bolt of a cogwheel of a cam-shaft


Bolts of an intermediate pulley gear drive a belt


Nut of a pulley of the mechanism of a tension drive a belt


Bolt of a cogwheel of a cam-shaft


Bolts of an intermediate pulley gear drive a belt


Nut of a pulley of the mechanism of a tension drive a belt


Bolt of a cogwheel of an intermediate shaft — engines F3R 750, F3R 751, F7R 710


Bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders — engines F3R:*


   Stage 1 — all bolts, in shown on an illustration 10.40а an order


   Stage 2

Tighten all bolts on 50 ° ± 4 °

   Stage 3

Wait 3 minutes

   Stage 4

Loosen the bolts 1 and 2 on 180 °

   Stage 5

Tighten bolts 1 and 2 moment of 25 Nanometers

   Stage 6

Tighten bolts 1 and 2 on 123 ° ± 7 °

   Stage 7

Loosen the bolts 3 and 4 on 180 °

   Stage 8

Tighten bolts 3 and 4 moment of 25 Nanometers

   Stage 9

Tighten bolts 3 and 4 on 123 ° ± 7 °

   Stage 10

Loosen the bolts 5 and 6 on 180 °

   Stage 11

Tighten bolts 5 and 6 moment of 25 Nanometers

   Stage 12

Tighten bolts 5 and 6 on 123 ° ± 7 °

   Stage 13

Loosen the bolts 7 and 8 on 180 °

   Stage 14

Tighten bolts 7 and 8 moment of 25 Nanometers

   Stage 15

Tighten bolts 7 and 8 on 123 ° ± 7 °

   Stage 16

Loosen the bolts 9 and 10 on 180 °

   Stage 17

Tighten bolts 9 and 10 on 123 ° ± 7 °

   Stage 18

Tighten bolts 9 and 10 on 123 ° ± 7 °

Bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders — engine F7R*:


   Stage 1 — all bolts, in shown on an illustration 10.40а an order


   Stage 2

Tighten all bolts on 50 ° ± 2 °

   Stage 3

Wait 3 minutes

   Stage 4 — each bolt serially, in an order, the return shown on an illustration 10.40а

Loosen the all bolts completely

   Stage 5 — all bolts, in shown on an illustration 10.40 and an order

Tighten all bolts the moment of 25 Nanometers

   Stage 6

Tighten all bolts on 107 ° ± 2 °

   Stage 7

Start the engine and warm up it to normal working temperature (when the fan will join) — muffle the engine

   Stage 8

Loosen the the bolts shown on an illustration 10.53

   Stage 9

Allow the engine to cool down completely

   Stage 10

Loosen the completely bolts 1 and 2

   Stage 11

Tighten bolts 1 and 2 moment of 25 Nanometers

   Stage 12

Tighten bolts 1 and 2 on 107 ° ± 2 °

   Stage 13

Loosen the completely bolts 3 and 4

   Stage 14

Tighten bolts 3 and 4 moment of 25 Nanometers

   Stage 15

Tighten bolts 3 and 4 on 107 ° ± 2 °

   Stage 16

Loosen the completely bolts 5 and 6

   Stage 17

Tighten bolts 5 and 6 moment of 25 Nanometers

   Stage 18

Tighten bolts 5 and 6 on 107 ° ± 2 °

   Stage 19

Loosen the completely bolts 7 and 8

   Stage 20

Tighten bolts 7 and 8 moment of 25 Nanometers

   Stage 21

Tighten bolts 7 and 8 on 107 ° ± 2 °

   Stage 22

Loosen the completely bolts 9 and 10

   Stage 23

Tighten bolts 9 and 10 moment of 25 Nanometers

   Stage 24

Tighten bolts 9 and 10 on 107 ° ± 2 °

   Stage 25

Tighten the bolts shown on an illustration 10.53

Pulley bolt коленвала


Covers шатунных bearings


Covers of radical bearings


Bolts of the oil pump — engines F3R 750, F3R 751, F7R 710:


   Bolts in diameter of 6 mm
   Bolts in diameter of 8 mm


The oil pump — all other engines:


   Fixing bolts
   Cogwheel bolts

There is no data
There is no data

Bolts of a flywheel/privodnogo of a disk:


   Engines F3R
   Engine F7R

50 — 55
65 — 70

Pallet bolts


Drain stopper of impellent oil

Address to the Head Maintenance service

Engine/transmission support

Address to Section the Description of check of a compression

Arm-cover of a flywheel/privodnogo of a disk:


   On the engine
   On transmission


The inlet pipeline

Address to the Head of the Power supply system, release

Final collector

Address to the Head of the Power supply system, release

Bolts of fastening of a rotary fist to a rack of a forward suspension bracket

Address to the Head the Suspension bracket and a steering

Coupling bolt of a rod of a gear change

Address to the Head Transmission

Bolts of a fixing plate of an internal protective cover of the left power shaft — models with a manual box of a gear change

Address to the Head Power shafts

Wheel bolts

Address to the Head Maintenance service

*Используйте new bolts.


The basic characteristics

The characteristic




Engines without турбокомпрессора
— Models 1.9D

F8Q 620, F8Q 788*

Engines with turbocharger:


   Indirect injection — models 1.9 dT

F8Q 784, F8Q 786*

   Direct injection — models 1.9 dT

F9Q 730, F9Q 734*

Diameter of the cylinder

83.0 mm

Piston stroke

93.0 mm

Working volume

1870 sm 3

Compression degree:


   Engines F8Q without турбокомпрессора


   Engines F8Q with turbocharger


   Engines F9Q


Operating procedure of cylinders

1-3-4-2 (the cylinder №1 on the party of a flywheel/privodnogo of a disk)

Rotation direction коленвала

Clockwise, if to take a detached view a pulley

*Двигатели without an intermediate shaft.

Compression (the engine warm — approximately 80 °)

The characteristic


Normal pressure:


   Engines F8Q
   Engines F9Q

27 bar
22 bar

The minimum pressure — all engines

20 bar

The maximum difference between cylinders

4 bar

Backlashes of valves (the engine cold)

The characteristic


The inlet valve

0.20 mm

The final valve

0.40 mm

Tension gear drive a belt (the text see)

The characteristic



Engines F8Q with gear приводным a belt “HTD” and engines F9Q

38 ± 10 % on block SEEM

36 on block SEEM

Engines F8Q with gear приводным a belt “HTD2”

47 ± 10 % on block SEEM

36 on block SEEM

Head of the block of cylinders

The characteristic




   Engines F8Q
   Engines F9Q

159.50 ± 0.20 mm
162.00 ± 0.10 mm

As much as possible admissible deformation of a surface of a lining

0.05 mm

Height выступания the vortical chamber — engines F8Q

0.01 — 0.04 mm

Depth of an arrangement of the valve concerning a surface of a head of the block of cylinders:


   The inlet


      Engines without турбокомпрессора
      Engines with turbocharger

0.85 ± 0.09 mm
0.65 ± 0.09 mm

   The final


      Engines without турбокомпрессора
      Engines with turbocharger

0.97± 0.09 mm
0.97± 0.09 mm

Corner of a saddle of the valve:


   The inlet


      Engines F8Q
      Engines F9Q

120 °
90 °

   The final


      Engines F8Q
      Engines F9Q

90 °
90 °

Internal diameter of the directing plug of the valve:


   Engines F8Q
   Engines F9Q — face value

8.00 mm
7.0 mm + 0.02 mm

External diameter of the directing plug of the valve:


   Engines F8Q:


      The nominal
      The repair

13.00 mm
13.30 mm

   Engines F9Q:


      The nominal
      The repair

12.00 mm + 0.03 mm — +0.05 mm
There is no data


The characteristic


Axial backlash

0.05 — 0.13 mm


The characteristic


Diameter of a head:


   The inlet


      Engines F8Q 620 and F8Q 788:


         Usual saddle
         Steel седло*

36.100 mm
36.350 mm

      Engines F8Q 784 and F8Q 786

36.225 ± 0.125 mm

      Engines F9Q

35.200 mm

   The final


      Engines F8Q 620 and F8Q 788:


         Usual saddle
         Steel седло*

31.500 mm
31.500 mm

      Engines F8Q 784 and F8Q 786

31.620 ± 0.120 mm

      Engines F9Q

32.500 mm

Diameter of a rod:


   Engines F8Q 620 and F8Q 788

8.000 mm

   Engines F8Q 784 and F8Q 786

7.985 ± 0.040 mm

   Engines F9Q

7.000 mm — 0.010 mm — 0.020 mm

Free length of a spring of the valve:


   Engines F8Q 620 and F8Q 788

43.41 mm

   Engines F8Q 784 and F8Q 786

47.57 mm

   Engines F9Q

45.80 mm

*Головки the block of cylinders with steel saddles of valves can be designated by edges on them.

The block of cylinders

The characteristic


Diameter of valves of cylinders:


   Class And or 1

80.000 — 81.015 mm

   Class In or 2

80.015 — 80.030 mm

Engines F9Q — face value

80.000 mm

*Классы the sizes of cylinders are designated by apertures on a lateral surface of the block, it is direct under a landing surface of a head of the block of cylinders.

Pistons and piston rings

The characteristic


Backlashes of locks of piston rings it (is preliminary established)


Thickness of a piston ring:


   Top компрессионное a ring:


      Engines without турбокомпрессора

2.0 mm

      Engines with turbocharger

2.5 mm

   The second компрессионное a ring

2.0 mm

   Maslosemnoe ring

3.0 mm

Backlash between the piston and a cylinder wall

0.015 — 0.030 mm


The characteristic


Working backlash шатунного the bearing

0.014 — 0.053 mm

Lateral люфт rod covers

0.220 — 0.400 mm

Intermediate shaft


   Axial backlash

0.07 — 0.15 mm


The characteristic


Diameter of a neck of the radical bearing:


   Engines F8Q:


      The nominal
      The repair

54.795 ± 0.01 mm
54.545 ± 0.01 mm

   Engines F9Q:


      The nominal
      The repair

54.790 ± 0.01 mm
There is no data

Working backlash of the radical bearing

0.020 — 0.058 mm

Diameter of a neck шатунного the bearing:


   Engines F8Q:


      The nominal
      The repair

48.00 mm
47.75 mm + 0.02 mm — 0.00 mm

   Engines F9Q:


      The nominal
      The repair

48.00 mm + 0.02 mm
There is no data

Axial backlash коленвала

0.070 — 0.230 mm

Thickness of a persistent washer

2.30, 2.35, 2.40 and 2.45 mm

Greasing system

The characteristic


The minimum pressure of oil at 80°С:


   On 1000 rpm
   On 3500 rpm

1.2 bar
3.5 bar

Backlashes of the oil pump:




      Between a gear wheel and the case
      Axial backlash of a gear wheel

0.020 mm



      Between a gear wheel and the case
      Axial backlash of a gear wheel

0.240 mm
0.085 mm

The inhaling moments, Nanometer

The characteristic


Nuts/bolts клапанной covers


Covers of bearings of a cam-shaft:


   Fixing details in diameter of 8 mm


   Fixing details in diameter of 6 mm


Bolt of a cogwheel of a cam-shaft:


   Engines F8Q
   Engines F9Q


Nut of the mechanism of a tension gear drive a belt


Bolt of a cogwheel of an intermediate shaft — engines F8Q 620, F8Q 784 and F9Q 730


Roller bolt — all other engines

There is no data

Nut of a cogwheel of the fuel pump

Address to the Head of the Power supply system, release

Bolts of fastening of an oil nozzle

20 ± 2

Fastening bolts маховика*

50 — 55

Bolts of fastening of the pallet


Drain stopper
Impellent oil

Address to the Head Maintenance service

Engine/transmission support

Address to Section 13

The strengthened arm/cover of a flywheel:


   On the engine
   On transmission


Bolts of fastening of a wheel

Address to the Head Maintenance service

Bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders — engines F8Q 620, F8Q 788 and all F9Q **:


   Stage 1 — all bolts, in 9.51 order shown on an illustration


   Stage 2

Tighten all bolts 50 ° ± 4 °

   Stage 3

Wait 3 minutes

   Stage 4

Loosen the completely bolts 1 and 2

   Stage 5

Tighten bolts 1 and 2 moment of an inhaling of 25 Nanometers

   Stage 6

Tighten bolts 1 and 2 on 213 ° ± 7 °

   Stage 7

Loosen the completely bolts 3 and 4

   Stage 8

Tighten bolts 3 and 4 moment of an inhaling of 25 Nanometers

   Stage 9

Tighten bolts 3 and 4 on 213 ° ± 7 °

   Stage 10

Loosen the completely bolts 5 and 6

   Stage 11

Tighten bolts 5 and 6 moment of an inhaling of 25 Nanometers

   Stage 12

Tighten bolts 5 and 6 on 213 ° ± 7 °

   Stage 13

Loosen the completely bolts 7 and 8

   Stage 14

Tighten bolts 7 and 8 moment of an inhaling of 25 Nanometers

   Stage 15

Tighten bolts 7 and 8 on 213 ° ± 7 °

   Stage 16

Loosen the completely bolts 9 and 10

   Stage 17

Tighten bolts 9 and 10 moment of an inhaling of 25 Nanometers

   Stage 18

Tighten bolts 9 and 10 on 213 ° ± 7 °

Bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders — engines F8Q 784 and F8Q 786*:


   Stage 1 — all bolts, in 9.51 order shown on an illustration


   Stage 2

Tighten all bolts 50 ° ± 4 °

   Stage 3

Wait 3 minutes

   Stage 4

Loosen the completely bolts 1 and 2

   Stage 5

Tighten bolts 1 and 2 moment of an inhaling of 25 Nanometers

   Stage 6

Tighten bolts 1 and 2 on 213 ° ± 7 °

   Stage 7

Loosen the completely bolts 3 and 4

   Stage 8

Tighten bolts 3 and 4 moment of an inhaling of 25 Nanometers

   Stage 9

Tighten bolts 3 and 4 on 213 ° ± 7 °

   Stage 10

Loosen the completely bolts 5 and 6

   Stage 11

Tighten bolts 5 and 6 moment of an inhaling of 25 Nanometers

   Stage 12

Tighten bolts 5 and 6 on 213 ° ± 7 °

   Stage 13

Loosen the completely bolts 7 and 8

   Stage 14

Tighten bolts 7 and 8 moment of an inhaling of 25 Nanometers

   Stage 15

Tighten bolts 7 and 8 on 213 ° ± 7 °

   Stage 16

Loosen the completely bolts 9 and 10

   Stage 17

Tighten bolts 9 and 10 moment of an inhaling of 25 Nanometers

   Stage 18

Tighten bolts 9 and 10 on 213 ° ± 7 °

   Stage 19

Start the engine and warm up it to normal working temperature (the fan should join) — then muffle the engine

   Stage 20

Allow the engine to cool down completely

   Stage 21

Tighten bolts 1 and 2 further on 120 ° ± 7 °

   Stage 22

Tighten bolts 3 and 4 further on 120 ° ± 7 °

   Stage 23

Tighten bolts 5 and 6 further on 120 ° ± 7 °

   Stage 23

Tighten bolts 5 and 6 further on 120 ° ± 7 °

   Stage 24

Tighten bolts 7 and 8 further on 120 ° ± 7 °

   Stage 25

Tighten bolts 9 and 10 further on 120 ° ± 7 °

Pulley bolt коленвала:


   Early engines

90 — 100

Late engines with приводным a belt “HTD2” — with taking компаундом on a carving:


   Stage 1
   Stage 2

Tighten further on 115 °

Cover bolts шатунного the bearing

45 — 50

Covers of radical bearings

60 — 65

Bolts of the oil pump — engines F8Q 620, F8Q 784, F9Q 730:


   Bolts in diameter of 6 mm
   Bolts in diameter of 8 mm


The oil pump — all other engines:


   Fixing bolts
   Asterisk bolts

There is no data
There is no data

*После the first start of the engine repeatedly to tighten bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders it is not required.
** Use new bolts.