1. Procedure is similar to prorolling of the hydrosystem described in the Head Brake system except that before the work beginning it is necessary to pump out a pure siphon a liquid from the tank of brake hydrosystem.
2. Operating according to the description in the Head Brake system, open the first union of prorolling and softly press a brake pedal while all old liquid will not leave from the tank of the main cylinder. Finish a new liquid level of a liquid to a label the MOVE and continue to swing, while only the new liquid does not remain in the tank.
3. Operate as, having passed consistently all other unions of prorolling. Thus support level in the tank of the main cylinder above “MIN” marks, differently the system can include air that considerably will complicate a problem.
4. Upon termination of action check up, that all unions of prorolling have been reliably clamped and on them new dustproof caps have been established. Смойте all traces of the spilt liquid and repeatedly check up liquid level in the tank of the main cylinder.
5. Check up work of brakes. |