1. Remove the battery (the engine Electric equipment see the Head).
2. Remove forward seats (see Has undressed Removal and installation of seats), then take remote plugs of support of their fastening (address to an accompanying illustration). |
3. Remove a steering column (the Suspension bracket and a steering see the Head).
4. Remove the central console (see Has undressed Removal and installation of the central console).
5. Operating according to the instructions resulted in the Head the Onboard electric equipment, remove following components:
a) the Panel of driver's switches;
b) the Instrument guard;
c) Prikurivatel;
d) the Multipurpose display;
e) Levers of cleaners of a windscreen.
6. Remove the control panel heater functioning (the System of cooling, heating see the Head).
7a. Remove the bottom clamps then release the top. |
7b. Cнимите from the basis of the panel of devices a decorative overlay of the central console. |
7d. Cнимите the air line of a heater laid more low (address to illustrations). |
8. Remove a sealing strip from an upper edge of a partition of an impellent compartment.
9. Turn out fixing screws, then release clamps and remove диффузор systems of ventilation of the salon, located in the windscreen basis.
10a. Release clamps of the panel of safety locks/relays. |
10b. In the left part of an impellent compartment uncover the assembly block of safety locks/relays, then take from the box-shaped case of the block the forward panel. |
10c. Disunite sockets of electroconducting of the main plait of electroconducting of the engine. |
10d. Give fixture (screws and clamps) and remove forward and back sections локера arches of the left forward wheel. |
10e. Liberate from a wing a cartridge of a lamp of the lateral repeater of the index of turn. |
10f. Then liberate its electroconducting from intermediate clamps so that it could be free involved in car salon (address to illustrations). In need of expansion of working space поддомкратьте redock of the car also establish it on props, then remove the left forward wheel. |
11. In the right part of an impellent compartment liberate from fixing clamps the big safety locks. Disconnect electroconducting from the electromotor of the fan of a heater and liberate it from intermediate clamps so that wires could be free involved in salon.
The remark: Last condition is not obligatory for all models. In certain cases the plait is connected to the panel of devices and can be left on the place.
12. Separate sealing strips of doorways from panels of furnish of forward racks (move from top to down). Remove both panels (address to an accompanying illustration). |
13. On models of Hetchbek remove panels of furnish of the left and right racks (see Has undressed Removal and installation of components of seat belts). On Compartment models remove a pillow of a back seat (see Has undressed Removal and installation of seats), then remove the left and right bottom sections of panels of lateral furnish of a seat (see Has undressed Removal and installation of components of seat belts).
14b. Turn out screws and disconnect tyres of grounding from the left and right thresholds, then liberate from clamps and disconnect sockets of electroconducting of the panel of devices (address to illustrations). |
15a. Release fixing clamps and disunite sockets of electroconducting of the left and right forward doors. |
15b. Completely remove clamps from sockets, then give screws and liberate sockets from racks (address to illustrations). |
16b. Release clamps of fastening of covers of access to plaits of electroconducting of forward seats. |
16c. Then liberate electroconducting of both seats from the rotary knots. |
16d. Lift a carpet covering and liberate from the intermediate clamps the left and right plaits of electroconducting so that they could be removed together with the panel of devices (address to illustrations). |
17a. Turn out a bolt of fastening of the tyre of grounding to the left part of the central section of the panel of devices |
17b. Disconnect an antenna cable (address to illustrations). |
18. Turn out two screws of fastening of the panel of the devices, located in an aperture under installation of the control panel by heater functioning (address to an accompanying illustration). |
19a. Accurately having hooked, remove the decorative covers established from the left and right lower corners of the panel of devices. |
19b. Under covers fixing nuts (address to illustrations) are located. |
20. Give the top and bottom fixing nuts from both end faces of the panel of devices (address to an accompanying illustration). |
21. By means of the assistant cautiously separate assemblage of the panel of devices from a partition of an impellent compartment (address to an accompanying illustration). In process of access opening, liberate from a partition plugs of plaits of electroconducting through passage, remembering their correct adjusting positions. Do not forget to liberate plaits from intermediate clamps. |