Reno Megan, Stsenik
+ Cars of mark Renault Megane
+ Maintenance service
+ Engine repair
+ System of cooling, heating
+ Power supply systems, release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Coupling
+ Transmission
+ Power shafts
+ Brake system
- Suspension bracket and steering
Removal and installation of assemblage of a forward rotary fist
Check and replacement of bearings of a nave of a forward wheel
Removal and installation of a forward rack
Partition of a forward rack
Removal and installation of the forward stabilizer of cross-section stability
Removal, partition and installation of the bottom lever of a forward suspension bracket
Removal and installation of the spherical hinge of the bottom lever of a forward suspension bracket
Check and replacement of bearings of a nave of a back wheel
Removal, check and installation of the back shock-absorber
Removal and installation of the back stabilizer of cross-section stability (back axis of the closed type)
Removal and installation of a back axis
The general description of a partition of a back axis
Check and adjustment of a road gleam of the car
Removal and steering wheel installation
Removal, survey and installation of a steering column
Removal, survey and installation of the steering mechanism
Removal and installation of the pump of the steering hydraulic booster
Prorolling of hydrosystem of the steering hydraulic booster
Replacement of a protective cover of the steering mechanism
Removal and installation of a tip of steering draught
Removal and installation of cross-section steering draught
Corners of installation of wheels
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Electric equipment schemes
Removal, survey and installation of a steering column
1. Disconnect a cable of weight from the battery (on models Scenic address to the Head an engine Electric equipment).
If the autoradio tape recorder in your car is coded before to disconnect a cable of weight from the battery be convinced that you have a key code. |
2. Remove a steering wheel as Removal and steering wheel installation is described in Section.
3. Remove assemblage of the combined switches (address to the Head the Onboard electric equipment).
4. Turn away screws of fastening and remove the panel of furnish of a steering column (address to an accompanying illustration). |
5. Track conducting from the ignition lock, letting out it from скоб and couplers, and disconnect sockets (address to an accompanying illustration). |
6. Turn away two bolts, fastening the top part of a steering column to the instrument panel (address to an accompanying illustration). |
7. Cock a manual brake, then поддомкратьте a forward part of the car and establish it on axial props.
8. Working under the car, let out fixing скобу (where is available) and unbend a protective rubber cover to get access to the bottom universal hinge of a shaft of a steering column. A paint or a marker put on the universal hinge and a gear wheel of the steering mechanism of a label. Loosen the also remove a nut and a clip bolt, крепящего the hinge to a gear wheel.
On the cars equipped with a pillow of safety before to remove a column shaft, place wheels in position "directly" and block a steering wheel by means of the suitable tool. If not to make it, the block of contact of conducting of a pillow of safety will be damaged. |
9. Working in salon, turn away four fixing nuts/bolts of a steering column (address to an accompanying illustration). Disconnect a steering column from the instrument panel, then deduce it from fastenings. On the models equipped with the steering hydraulic booster, separate the bottom protective cover of a shaft of a column from a partition. |
10. Unhook the universal hinge from a gear wheel of the steering mechanism and remove column assemblage (address to an accompanying illustration). |
1. The bottom part of an intermediate shaft of a column has ударогасящий a telescopic site. In case of a head-on collision this site develops that protects the driver from blow about a steering wheel. Before installation of a steering column compare length of an intermediate shaft to the data resulted in Specifications (address to an accompanying illustration).
If the shaft has appeared more shortly, assemblage of a steering column is subject to replacement. If at installation of a column the coupling bolt does not enter freely into the shaft basis, it also means damage of an intermediate shaft.
2. Check up a shaft of a steering column on presence люфта in plugs; examine universal hinges on deterioration and presence of damages. At detection of those, replace a steering column.
3. Examine a rubber cover / a protective cover of a steering column on presence of damages and replace them if it is necessary. |
1. Deduce assemblage of a steering column into position. Connect the universal hinge to a gear wheel of the steering mechanism, having combined the labels made before removal.
2. Establish and tighten fixing nuts/bolts of a steering column. On models with the steering hydraulic booster establish a protective cover of a steering column in a partition (address to an accompanying illustration). |
3. Working under the car, establish a coupling bolt of the universal hinge and tighten its effort resulted in Specifications. Move a protective cover into position and (where it is necessary) attach its new скобой. Lower the car on the earth.
4. Establish two bolts, fastening the top part of a column to the instrument panel, and tighten them reliably. Establish the panel of furnish of a column.
5. Be convinced that conducting of the lock of ignition is laid correctly, then connect it to the main plait of wires.
6. Establish assemblage of the combined switches as the Onboard electric equipment is described in the Head. On models with a safety pillow establish also its contact block.
7. Establish a steering wheel as Removal and installation of a steering wheel is described in Section and connect to the accumulator a negative wire. |