Renault Megane, Scenic

Since 1996 of release

Repair and car operation

Reno Megan, Stsenik
+ Cars of mark Renault Megane
+ Maintenance service
+ Engine repair
+ System of cooling, heating
+ Power supply systems, release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Coupling
+ Transmission
+ Power shafts
+ Brake system
- Suspension bracket and steering
   Removal and installation of assemblage of a forward rotary fist
   Check and replacement of bearings of a nave of a forward wheel
   Removal and installation of a forward rack
   Partition of a forward rack
   Removal and installation of the forward stabilizer of cross-section stability
   Removal, partition and installation of the bottom lever of a forward suspension bracket
   Removal and installation of the spherical hinge of the bottom lever of a forward suspension bracket
   Check and replacement of bearings of a nave of a back wheel
   Removal, check and installation of the back shock-absorber
   Removal and installation of the back stabilizer of cross-section stability (back axis of the closed type)
   Removal and installation of a back axis
   The general description of a partition of a back axis
   Check and adjustment of a road gleam of the car
   Removal and steering wheel installation
   Removal, survey and installation of a steering column
   Removal, survey and installation of the steering mechanism
   Removal and installation of the pump of the steering hydraulic booster
   Prorolling of hydrosystem of the steering hydraulic booster
   Replacement of a protective cover of the steering mechanism
   Removal and installation of a tip of steering draught
   Removal and installation of cross-section steering draught
   Corners of installation of wheels
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Electric equipment schemes
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Removal and steering wheel installation

On a key of a sound signal of the models equipped with a pillow of safety on the party of the driver, there is a word “AIRBAG”. At installation the new bolt of fastening of a steering wheel is required.



1. Establish forward wheels in position "directly" and block the lock of a steering column.
2. Trying not to damage a steering wheel, accurately wring out a screw-driver a key of a sound signal. Disconnect a socket of electroconducting and remove a key.
3. Turn away a bolt of fastening of a steering wheel and will throw out it is it is subject to replacement.
4. Put labels on a steering wheel and a shaft of a steering column, then remove a wheel from shaft grooves. If to remove a wheel it is not possible, bring down it, пристукивая on the centre a palm, or use rotary movement.


5 Make installation in return sequence, paying attention to the following:
a) Before installation be convinced that the multipurpose switch of indexes of turn is in the central position. If not to make it, the steering wheel ledge at its installation will break шпонку the switch.
b) Establish a wheel, combine the labels made before removal, then insert a new bolt of fastening and tighten its effort resulted in Specifications.


Before to start to work, the Precautions resulted in the Head the Onboard electric equipment see.


1. Remove the block of a pillow of safety (address to the Head the Onboard electric equipment).

2. Place forward wheels in position "directly" and block the lock of a steering column. Disconnect a socket of electroconducting a key of a sound signal (address to an accompanying illustration).

3. Loosen the also remove a bolt of fastening of a steering wheel, then put on a steering wheel and a shaft of a steering column of a label (address to an accompanying illustration). Will throw out a bolt - it is subject to replacement.

4. Remove a steering wheel from grooves of a steering column, trying not to damage electroconducting (address to an accompanying illustration).


1. Make installation in return sequence, paying attention to the notes resulted above. Before steering wheel installation be convinced that forward wheels still stand in position directly and that the block of contact of a pillow of safety is centered (address to Section Removal and installation of components of pillows of safety). In summary, establish the block of a pillow of safety as the Onboard electric equipment is described in the Head.