Renault Megane, Scenic

Since 1996 of release

Repair and car operation

Reno Megan, Stsenik
+ Cars of mark Renault Megane
+ Maintenance service
+ Engine repair
+ System of cooling, heating
+ Power supply systems, release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Coupling
+ Transmission
+ Power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
- Onboard electric equipment
   The general description of search of malfunctions in electric equipment system
   The general description of fuses and the relay
   Removal and installation of switches
   Replacement of lamps (external lighting devices)
   Replacement of lamps (lanterns of illumination of salon)
   Removal and installation of blocks of external lanterns
   The general description of adjustment of a direction of an optical axis of light of headlights
   Removal and installation of the instrument panel
   Removal and installation of components of the instrument panel
   Removal and installation of the multipurpose display
   Removal and installation прикуривателя
   Removal and installation of hours
   Removal and installation of sound signals
   Removal and installation of the lever of a screen wiper
   Removal and installation of the motor of a screen wiper and draught
   Removal and installation of the motor of a screen wiper of back glass
   Removal and installation of components of system of a washer of wind glass / a back door
   Removal and radio tape recorder installation
   Removal and installation of loudspeakers
   Removal and radio antenna installation
   The anticreeping alarm system and иммобилизатор the engine
   Removal and installation of components of the electric drive/heating of a forward seat
   System of pillows of safety - the general information and safety measures
   Removal and installation of components of pillows of safety
+ Electric equipment schemes
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Replacement of lamps (external lighting devices)

Every time at replacement of lamps be guided by following paragraphs.
a) Disconnect a cable of weight from the battery.
b) Remember, if light has just been included, the lamp can be extremely hot.
Always check lamp and holder contacts. Watch that there was a good metal contact between a lamp, feeding wire and the earth. Before installation of a new lamp remove corrosion or a dirt.
d) Everywhere where lamps with bayonet a socle (address to Specifications) are established, be convinced that petal contacts are reliably attached to a lamp.
e) Always establish a new lamp of rated power. And that it was pure; it especially concerns lamps of headlights.



1. Uncover a back part of the block of a headlight; if the round cover is established, turn it on 90 ° and if the rectangular cover let out fixing скобу (address to an accompanying illustration) is established.

2. Disconnect a socket of electroconducting from a back part of a lamp (address to an accompanying illustration).

3a. Unhook and release the ends fixing скобы lamps.

3b. Cнимите it (address to illustrations).

4. At installation of a new lamp, use a fabric not to concern a glass flask with fingers; a moisture from air and fat from a skin can cause dimness and fast failure of a lamp of this type. If you have casually concerned lamp flasks, wipe its fabric moistened with pure methyl spirit.
5. Establish a new lamp. Watch that blocking uvulas have been correctly placed in cartridge cuts. Fix a lamp spring скобой.
6. Connect a socket of electroconducting and establish a cover.

Forward dimensional lantern


1. Uncover a back part of the block of a headlight (address to paragraph 2 above).

2a. Turn the holder of a lamp of a dimensional lantern and remove it from a lateral headlight.

2b. Extend a lamp from the holder (address to illustrations).

3. Make installation in the return to removal an order.

Antifog headlight



1. Remove an antifog headlight as Removal and installation of blocks of external lanterns is described in Section.
2. Turn a cover and remove it from a back part of the block of a lantern. Unhook and release the ends fixing скобы lamps, then remove it.
3. At installation of a new lamp, use a fabric not to concern a glass flask with fingers, a moisture from air and fat can cause dimness and failure of a lamp of this type. If you have casually concerned lamp flasks, wipe its fabric moistened pure methyl with spirit.
4. Establish a new lamp. Thus watch that. That blocking uvulas have been correctly placed in cartridge cuts. Fix a lamp spring скобой.
5. Connect a socket of electroconducting and establish a cover.
6. Establish an antifog headlight as Removal and installation of blocks of external lanterns is described in Section.



1. To facilitate access, cock a manual brake, then поддомкратьте a forward part of the car and establish it on axial props.

2. Turn a cover and remove it from a back part of the block of a lantern (address to an accompanying illustration).

3. Disconnect an electroconducting socket, then release fixing скобу and remove a lamp (address to an accompanying illustration).

4. Make installation upside-down.

The forward index of turn


1a. Turn the holder of a lamp counter-clockwise and remove it from a back part of the block of a lantern.

1b. Press a lamp and turn it counter-clockwise (address to illustrations).

2. Make installation upside-down.

The forward lateral index of turn


1. Accurately wring out the block of a lantern and remove it from a wing (address to an accompanying illustration).

2a. Turn the holder of a lamp counter-clockwise and remove it from a lantern.

2b. Extend a lamp from the holder (address to illustrations).

3. Make installation upside-down.

The block of a back lantern


1. On models the Hatchback and the Compartment, in an internal part of a luggage compartment turn away the top fixing nut and turn a cover (address to an accompanying illustration).

2. On models the Sedan and Scenic, uncover from a back part of the block of a lantern (address to an accompanying illustration). On models Scenic, the cover is in the panel of furnish of the loose leaf of an arch of a wheel.

3. Let out fixing скобы and remove assemblage of the holder of lamps from a back part of the block of a lantern (address to an accompanying illustration).

4. Press a corresponding lamp and turn it counter-clockwise (address to an accompanying illustration).

5. Installation is spent upside-down.

The back lantern established in a cover of a luggage carrier



1. Open a luggage carrier cover, then disconnect a cover in a back part of a lantern (address to an accompanying illustration).

2. Turn the holder of a lamp and remove it from a back part of the block of a lantern. Press a lamp and turn it counter-clockwise (address to an accompanying illustration).

3. Installation is spent upside-down.



1. Open a luggage carrier cover, then disconnect a cover in a back part of a lantern.
2. Turn the holder of a lamp and remove it from a back part of the block of a lantern. Press a lamp and turn it counter-clockwise.
3. Installation is spent upside-down.



1. Open the back door opening upwards, and disconnect a cover in the panel of furnish of a back door.
2. Remove the corresponding holder, then remove a lamp, having pressed and having turned it counter-clockwise.
3. Installation is spent upside-down.

Additional stoplight


1. On models the Hatchback, open a back door, then press fixing скобы and uncover an underside of the block of a lantern (address to an accompanying illustration).

2. On Compartment models, open a luggage carrier cover to get access to a back part of the block of a lantern.

3. On models the Sedan, working in salon, press fixing скобы and uncover a back part of the block of a lantern (address to an accompanying illustration).

4. On models Scenic, open a back door and remove two stoppers in apertures behind the lantern block. Insert a screw-driver into each aperture, release the block of a lantern from an outer side of a back door.

5a. On all models, let out перекидные скобы and remove the holder of lamps from a back part of the block of a lantern.

5b. Extend a corresponding lamp from the holder (address to illustrations).

6. Installation is spent upside-down.

Licence plate illumination


1a. Accurately wring out a screw-driver the lantern block.

1b. Disconnect a cover (where is available) and pull out a lamp from contacts (address to illustrations).

2. Make installation in the return to removal an order.