Reno Megan, Stsenik
+ Cars of mark Renault Megane
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- Power shafts
Removal and power shaft installation
Replacement of a protective cover of an external SHRUS of a power shaft (model with Manual transmission)
Replacement of a protective cover of an internal SHRUS of the right power shaft (model with Manual transmission)
Replacement of a protective cover of an internal SHRUS of the left power shaft (model with Manual transmission)
The general description of replacement of a protective cover of a power shaft (model with automatic transmission)
The general description of a partition of a power shaft
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Replacement of a protective cover of an internal SHRUS of the right power shaft (model with Manual transmission)
1. Remove a power shaft as Removal and power shaft installation is described in Section.
2. On these models SHRUS of two types are used: Gl62 and RC490. Hinges can be distinguished under the form of their case. The case of SHRUS Gl62 smooth, round; hinge RC490 has dredging - from an end face the case reminds трилистник. |
1. Cut fixing collars, then shift a protective cover downwards on a shaft.
2. By means of flat-nose pliers accurately unbend the locking uvulas located in corners of the fastening plate (address to an accompanying illustration). Separate the case of the SHRUS from трипода. Hold rollers, differently they can come off with трипода. After semihinge removal, fix rollers in working position by a sticky tape. |
Rollers make the co-ordinated steams with their support, therefore it is important not to mix them. |
3. By means of special flat-nose pliers take a lock ring, крепящее трипод to a power shaft (address to an accompanying illustration). Pay attention that on some models the SHRUS can be fixed blocking ободком; in this case, disconnect the hinge, using a file. Note position триподной SHRUS parts on приводном to a shaft. |
4. Remove трипод (address to an accompanying illustration). If to make it it is not possible, use a stripper. Be convinced that stripper support are established behind трипода and do not concern its rollers. Alternatively it is possible to use a hydropress. |
5. Remove a protective cover and internal blocking ободок from the power shaft end.
6. Rub off SHRUS components, trying not to erase the labels made during removal. Do not use for clearing some any solvents.
7. Examine трипод, rollers and the SHRUS case on presence задиров and deterioration signs. Be convinced that rollers rotate on cores easily and exactly. If трипод or rollers are worn out, it is possible to replace their assemblage. The SHRUS case separately is not on sale. Get the repair complete set including a protective cover, a fillet / fixing spring and special greasing.
8. Wind grooves on the end of a power shaft with a sticky tape, then accurately establish on a shaft internal blocking ободок and a protective cover.
9. Remove a tape, then, using the labels made during removal, establish трипод on power shaft grooves. By means of a hammer and выколотки, executed from soft metal, deduce трипод into position, trying not to damage grooves of a shaft or SHRUS rollers. Alternatively use a hydropress, having propped up a power shaft.
10. Fix трипод a lock ring, watching that it has got to a power shaft flute. Where the lock ring is not used, fix the end of a power shaft by means of a hammer and a punch, пристукнув on it in three равноудаленных points.
11. In regular intervals distribute greasing on триподу and in the SHRUS case. Place the greasing rests in a protective cover.
12. Establish the SHRUS case on трипод.
13. Of a steel strip in the thickness of 2.5 mm or a similar material make a basic plate of the sizes specified in drawing (address to an accompanying illustration). |
14. Place a basic plate serially under each locking uvula of a fastening plate of the case of the SHRUS and пристукните on a uvula. Remove a plate when all locking uvulas will accept the former form.
15. Place a protective cover on a power shaft. Establish cover edges in flutes on a power shaft and the SHRUS case.
16. Shift internal blocking ободок into place to a cover.
17. Using a blunt tool, accurately raise an external sealing edge of a cover to balance pressure of air. Without cleaning the tool, compress the SHRUS so that the distance from the internal end of a protective cover to an end face of the case of the hinge has made 153 mm (address to an accompanying illustration). Keeping the SHRUS case in this position, take the tool from under a cover. |
18. Establish on a cover collars and tighten them.
19. Be convinced that the SHRUS freely moves in all directions, then establish a power shaft (address to Section Removal and power shaft installation). |
1. Unbend flat-nose pliers a metal cover of the SHRUS where it is bent in dredging of the case of the hinge.
2. Cut an internal collar of a protective cover кусачками.
3. Using выколотку, executed of soft metal, bring down a cover from the hinge case (address to an accompanying illustration). Separate the case of the SHRUS from трипода. Hold rollers, differently they can come off. After semihinge removal, fix rollers in working position by a sticky tape. |
Rollers make the co-ordinated steams with their support, therefore it is important not to mix them. |
4. Remove assemblage трипода and a protective cover and examine components on presence of signs of deterioration (address to paragraphs above). Get the repair complete set of details consisting of a protective cover, a collar, a metal insert and the SHRUS cover, and also special greasing.
5. Establish a metal insert in an internal part of a protective cover, then place assemblage of a protective cover in a metal cover of the SHRUS.
6. Establish трипод as it is described above.
7. In regular intervals distribute special greasing on триподу and in the SHRUS case. Fill a protective cover with the greasing rest.
8. Establish the SHRUS case into position on триподе.
9. Shift a metal cover on the SHRUS case. Attach a cover, having driven its corresponding sites in dredging of the case of the hinge by means of a hammer and a punch with the rounded off end.
10. Using a blunt tool, accurately raise an internal sealing edge of a cover to balance pressure of air. Without cleaning the tool, compress the SHRUS so that the distance from the internal end of a protective cover to an end face of the case of the hinge has made 156 mm (address to an accompanying illustration). Keeping the SHRUS case in this position, take the tool from under a cover. |
11a. Establish a collar on the internal end of a protective cover. |
12. Be convinced that the SHRUS freely moves in all directions, then establish a power shaft as Removal and power shaft installation is described in Section. |